Annual Report 2019-2020 launched
Written By SPFL Trust Media Centre
Our Annual Report 2019-20 is launched today.
Coming at a time of extraordinary uncertainty, this year’s report necessarily takes on a different approach, for the financial year ending 31 May 2020.
All of our programmes faced significant disruption during the final months of this reporting period.
That said, the period until early 2020 includes a number of notable highlights, as we developed existing programmes, secured funding for new partnerships, and continued to strengthen relationships with stakeholders.
Highlights include:
- Hearts become the third club to join the Joy of Moving programme
- Football Fans in Training numbers were on course to exceed 1000 men and women participants
- 88 different football organisations participated in Mental Health First Aid Training
- The Changing Room secured three years of funding and interest from 24 new ATC’s
- Festive Friends delivered by 36 ATC’s and the first-ever Hampden event with the SPFL Trust and Sodexo
- Two new programmes launched in A-Team and CachBack – Off The Bench
And, even in the darkness of the last few months, we have seen light.
Associated Trusts and SPFL Clubs (ATCs) have brought comfort where there was grief, hope where there was fear, and smiles where there was sadness.
As we often say, football in Scotland has an unrivalled ability to reach out to those in need.
During this time, ATCs have reached out further than ever before, providing lifeline support, working with local partners, to help many of those worst affected by the pandemic.
This year’s Annual Report also takes on a new look. Shortly after the end of the reporting period, we launched a new-look brand. A brighter, fresher feel, it brings our tagline Trusted to Support to life, and provides a visual structure for our strategic pillars of activity.
Read all about it in the report below or download your own copy by clicking the button.
Download our Annual Report 2020-21
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