Celebrating 15 Years – SPFL Trust
We're celebrating a milestone at the SPFL Trust, as we mark our 15th anniversary.
Founded on 04 December 2009, we’ve seen the growth of SPFL associated trusts and clubs (ATCs) across the country from just two at our inception to now more than 40 in the men’s and women’s game.
We’ve delivered game-changing programmes like Football Fans in Training, Music Box, Still Game, CashBack Off the Bench, Joy of Moving, Mental Health Awareness Courses, The Changing Room, Kick-off Your Career, H20, and Festive Friends.
And in recent years we’ve managed a range of funds, including those during the Covid-19 pandemic, and more recently our novel Winter and Innovation Funds.
Importantly, the SPFL Trust is a trusted partner advising Scottish Government and other key statutory agencies on a range of issues that affect public health and inequalities in Scotland.
That’s only possible because of the robust governance that is in place, led by our board of trustees and the incredible passion and dedication of our network of community trusts.
On this page we're going to be celebrating some of our charity's key successes over the last decade and a half.