SPFL Trust Innovation Fund
Our Innovation Fund allows community trusts associaated with SPFL clubs to apply for funding to support a new project idea that will directly impact the effect of poverty in their communities.
We are providing around £10,000 of seed funding per participating community trust to test new ideas, giving flexibility to each charity to help them to find new ways to work effectively.
Programmes focus on health and wellbeing, employability, inclusion or attainment - all key factors that can help support better outcomes for people.
How does the SPFL Trust Innovation Fund work?
Learn about projects we're supporting
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We're supporting seven community trusts associated with SPFL clubs to to plan, test and report on new ideas. These will focus on things that can affect poverty, and are designed to evidence impact in order to secure longer term funding.
Aberdeen FC Community Trust
Dons Families Together is a health and wellbeing project for parents and children, helping them to make positive life choices. Sessions will include physical activity, nutritional advice, employability, financial and stress management support.
Big Hearts Community Trust
Big Hearts Journeys will support 30 vulnerable young people, aged 16-24 and living in poverty. They will have the opportunity to build their employability skills, improve their confidence, and secure a positive destination through the power of volunteering.
Dundee United Community Trust
Dundee United Community Trust will create much-needed opportunities for adults with a range of disabilities, to reduce loneliness and social isolation. The peer-designed programme aims to help participants to improve their overall wellbeing.
Hibernian Community Foundation
Funding provided for Hibernian Community Foundation will enable them to employ a Ukrainian speaking activity worker who will engage with Ukrainian refugees starting a new life in Edinburgh, as part of their All Together Now project.
Montrose Community Trust
Free Kicks will address food insecurity while focusing on the overall health and wellbeing of people in Montrose. The programme will offer free street football activities and provide nourishing street food to children, young people & families.
Partick Thistle Charitable Trust
Partick Thistle Charitable Trust are using the funding from the SPFL Trust to run Mental Fitness, a 10-week programme incorporating various techniques, strategies and practices aimed at improving mental health, motivation, and quality of life.
Queen's Park Foundation
Play for Success will be an out of hours study centre and run their programme, Play for Success. It will support children from Govanhill to improve attainment across a number of key areas, using sport as a hook to participation and engagement.