Hydration For The Nation
Written By Admin
“Hydration for the Nation” Queen of the South Football Club deliver the Scottish Water funded project ‘H2-O’ working along-side many primary schools in Dumfries and Galloway to educate Scottish children on water, hydration and physical activity.
This programme teaches primary school children the importance of staying hydrated and learning about the water cycle as a whole. Each classroom based session lasts for approximately 30minutes followed by a 45minutes of physical activity instructed by a fully qualified club coach. St Teresa Primary School pupils are the first to receive this informative and educational programme & the session has been very well received by all of the pupils and the School.
Upon completion of the programme, each child receives a free family ticket to a queen of the south match, certificate and a water bottle – as you can see from the photograph above, the pupils are thrilled with their gifts!
Congratulations to Queen of the South for their successful delivery and the pupils of St Teresa Primary School for their hard work.
This project is also being delivered by Elgin City Fc & East Fife Fc to participating schools in their local area.